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How Professional Child Care Can Help Support Your Entrepreneurial Success

By Contributor: Ed Carter

If you're a parent thinking of starting your own business, you might be wondering if you're taking on too much. Rest assured: Moms and dads make some of the best business owners. Per VentureBeat, parents have a unique skill set that primes them for startup success, from patience to the ability to plan ahead. That said, you will need extra time to focus on your entrepreneurial venture when you're getting started.

Here, The Amber Neal Show presents some helpful tips on how child care can help support your burgeoning business.

Recognize the value of child care as an entrepreneur

Some entrepreneurial parents insist on "doing it all." However, this can increase the risk of burnout. Child care takes a load off, freeing up your time to focus on work. Plus, you won't have to deal with as many distractions. As Canadian Business explains, distractions in the workday interfere with productivity and focus. Constant interruptions from kids will only slow down your progress.

Learn how to "let go" when handing your child over

Even if you recognize the value of professional child care, it can be tough to entrust your children to someone else's care. Many moms and dads report feeling guilty when they make this move. provides a guide on how to deal with those feelings. Prepare for the roller coaster of emotions that may ensue, accept that your emotions are normal, and try to pep yourself up with positive self talk.

Choose a fitting provider

Choosing the right child care provider can also help give you peace of mind and make it easier to "let go" when sending your kids to child care. Caring for Kids offers guidance on how to choose a fitting provider. You want to find a child care setting that is friendly, clean, and safe.

Seek support for your business life as well

Professional child care is just one of the types of support you will want to take advantage of when building a business. Consider what help you can use when establishing your startup. You might need assistance creating a business plan, seeking funding, creating a marketing plan and setting up a website. When it comes to funding opportunities, don’t overlook government grants. Additionally, look for specialized grants you can take advantage of; for example, if you’re a female entrepreneur, there are government, corporate, and nonprofit grants available that can help you get your business up and running.

Learn how to achieve the elusive work-life balance

As your business grows, you may find it tough to juggle parenthood and entrepreneurship. Balancing your two roles can be tricky at times, but United World Telecom notes there are key strategies in making it work. It's important to set boundaries and to delegate—for example, to your remote team of freelancers. Organization is also important. Have a calendar for work and for family, and make sure to coordinate the two to avoid appointment overlaps.

Be sure to also extend this mentality to your home. To keep stress at home to a minimum, optimize your space for happy, healthy living. Make a point to organize and declutter, let in more natural light, maintain a family calendar, have healthy foods and filtered water on hand, and add some potted plants. And if you need help, don’t hesitate to hire a cleaning or organizing service if it’s in your budget.

Don't forget to take quality time for yourself

When you're raising a child and building a business simultaneously, making time for yourself is tough. However, it's important to prioritize self care. If you aren't physically and mentally fit, you can't give your best to your baby or your business. On occasion, clear your calendar, hand your kids over to a child care professional, and take a day for yourself. Whether you go for a hike or hit the spa, do something that's just for you—not your business or your kids.

As a parent and an entrepreneur, you can do it all. You just need the right support system in place. The above guide explains how you can leverage local resources to stay on top of your professional and your personal life.


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